BluBulB is building a bridge between science and society.
A bridge where young researchers and intrepid artists are brought together
on the same stage to tell their stories to the public -
stories that spark curiosity and engage with the audience.
BluBulB offers a stage to young scientists and creative artists in comfortable locations such as cafes, libraries, and bars. They’ll be taking turns interpreting
science-related topics from different perspectives.

The Coelacanth is our mascot.
His name is Blu and with his curiosity,
he looks out for cool stuff in science that
he can keep in his idea-BulB.

The Coelacanth was one of the first animals ever to walk on land. It played an important role in the evolution and the progress of life.
And just like the Coelacanth leaped ahead and went into something new, we want to take science stories from young researchers and let them make the leap into new environments.
Science was dealing with itself. Now the time is ripe to leave the safety of its nest and evolve to fly among the people.
The Coelacanth is not really a fish, not a tetrapod, yet.
And just as it is the link, the connector between two classes of animals, we want to connect two worlds: the scientists and the public.
Scientists swim around their own waters. They use their own lingo and are tugged away in the labs. But the world is outside and talks in a different language.

The Coelacanth entered a new world, it was an explorer, seeking new opportunities and new places.
And just as the Coelacanth discovered a new world, we want to open a gate for you and show you the world of science, full of interesting, beautiful, and cool things.
You will get an insight into how science works, why scientists do it, and why it matters to you.